What if the file you're working on is no longer playable? Does VLC has the 'repair' ability in it? Can VLC repair a corrupted MP4 video, for example? There is no doubt that VLC can work excellently on healthy and operating media files. For ordinary users, they use VLC mostly to open, view, and edit audio & video files of many formats, such as MP4, MOV, FLV, WAV, AAC, MP3 and so on. VLC Media Player, which is universally known as a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player, has attracted massive users to download and install. What is VLC Media Player? Learn detailed information about VLC on mp4 video file using VLC Media Player? I had this VLC software installed on my laptop a few months ago, so I suppose if I can directly use it to repair a video file that seems to be ruined by a virus.'