It was unclear from the presentation whether or not this feature is an Apple Watch exclusive Federighi did not explicitly say that Auto-Unlock would work with iOS devices. He started by mentioning Continuity and Auto-Unlock, which now combine to let you seamlessly unlock a desktop or laptop Mac merely by bringing your Apple Watch close, using what Federighi described as “time-of-flight networking” to detect the watch’s proximity. All things old are new again, and the new operating system will just be called “macOS.” We don’t yet know if Sierra carries a “10.12” version number, but with developers getting their hands on the OS later today, we should soon have that question answered.Īpple’s Craig Federighi ran through a whole bunch of new features to be included in the revised operating system.
Well, this time also Apple has made their changes on the new version of macOS Sierra, like the very first one is that, after fifteen years, Apple has finally ditched the “OS X” moniker. Apple announced the next version of macintosh’s operation system which is called macOS Sierra in WWDC 2016.
In this article, I am going to show you how to install macOS Sierra 10.12.6 on VMware on Windows 10.